Monday, September 16, 2013


I have been dabbling in ideas of late
Seeking the comfort of cooler days I know have yet to
Dabbling in doing; making; creating.

What is it about the promise of cooler air that
Encourages thought and

Where I come from, it is hot and
Always getting hotter until, one day,
It's not. I wake up without fear of the sun.
I open my eyes and let the rays come in to clear
My soul, to
Raise my spirit; to
Refresh my mind.

I go outside, and,
Rather than hide, I
Take my liesure.

Periodically, rain methodically
Dabbles the pavement, the thirsty plants,
The hungry air.
Together, we drink it in.

And my thoughts drip like raindrops
Seep into the soil, their imprints reminding me that
It's been to long.

I have circulated much too close to the
It is time to come back.

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