Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Eternal Blooms for a Happy Springtime


Flowers of Rattan Creek

photo of book for sale
Flowers of Rattan Creek (and surrounding areas) photo book
After 15 years in the Rattan Creek neighborhood, located northwest of Austin, TX, I have put together a labor of love in the form of a photo book. My neighborhood has a vibrant gardening community and is particularly interested in native landscaping, xeriscaping, and gardening for pollinators. This has provided me ample opportunities for incredible nature photos. 

My photo book is called Flowers of Rattan Creek (and surrounding areas). If you would like to purchase a book, they are $20 each which covers the cost of printing and shipping from Shutterfly. Alternatively, many of the photos are available in a variety of formats including cards, stickers, canvas and art prints on my Society6 artist’s page. 

Monarch butterfly on purple flower
Butterfly on purple flower

How it Began

A funny thing happened when I started a family, especially when I stopped working full time and started staying home to raise my kids. 

I had to get out of the house. I mean I had to.

I hit the Groundhog Day wall where every day was the same. The same four walls. The same routine. The same crying baby. The same toddler meltdown. The insanity-inducing mundanity of daily life. 

Taking walks helped break up the day and gave both my children and me something new to look at; new experiences to be had. Good old-fashioned fresh air and sunshine was just the medicine we needed. As the seasons changed - yes, there are seasons in Central Texas - we observed the changes taking place all around the neighborhood. Neighbors planted things that grew, flowered, and faded in such intriguing ways throughout the year.

Bee on mountain laurel
Bee on mountain laurel

When I was gifted a fabulous new smartphone with a decent camera, I began taking photos of the unique flora and fauna I saw on a daily basis. These photos are the results. Many more are included in my book as well as on my Society6 artist's page. Check it out today!

Mexican Plum tree in bloom
Mexican Plum tree in bloom
Eastern redbud in bloom
Eastern Redbud in bloom

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Mother's Memories to Her Child: Early School Days

Mom and me in 2000-something

In 2004, I gave my mom a journal with prompts to fill out that would tell me about her life. After 5 years, she returned it to me complete with cards, photos, and other items she included along with her responses.

For my babies, I include my mom's responses as well as my own so they can get to know how far have come the women in their family. 


The first school I attended 

St. Joseph Catholic School

Other schools I attended 

Lakeview Elementary, Nehi (Northeast) High School

My favorite teacher during my early school years

Sister Marie Antonette

My best subject(s) 

English, Geography, History

A school experience I'll always remember

A play - Lola was the "queen bee" and she flubbed her lines. We all disliked her as she was rich and a snooty girl. Mean, too.

My best friend(s)

Not many in elementary except for Joann in 6th grade. In Junior High, Linda, Barb, and Geri.

I wanted to grow up to be

Airline hostess, wife, mother


The first school I attended 

Petrosky Elementary School

Other schools I attended 

Albright Middle School, Hastings High School

My favorite teacher during my early school years

Mrs. Berenstecker

My best subject(s) 

English, French, Art

A school experience I'll always remember

10th grade Science class: We had to dissect a frog. I was super squeamish about it, but my friends and fellow group members made it funny by putting a rolled up piece of paper in his mouth like a cigarette and pretending he could talk. It made me laugh and made the whole task easier.

My best friend(s)

Elementary: Angela, Karen

Middle: Erica & Amy; Kadian, Renee, and Johari

High School: Veronikah, Kim

I wanted to grow up to be

Actor, singer, artist, writer