Thursday, October 2, 2014


My head
a lightning rod that
signals impending rain
days before it 
back-lights the clouds. 

Without lightning,
there is only static,
a silence that thrums the
synapses of my brain.

If thoughts have mass,
then I weigh a ton, and
I am counting the pounds
as they collect -
under my chin
around my middle
between my legs; finally,
stacking themselves above my feet
pressing me further to the ground so that
every step becomes
a burden. 

I am immovable
Unmoved by the
daily data that drives us,
forces us to the cliff of extinction, and says,
"You, there! 
You behave, 
or else."

When I see the outline of clouds
in the flickering of the sky;
When I feel the lightning 
behind my eyes,
I wonder,
'Who will die 
if I misbehave?'

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