Wednesday, November 28, 2012

La Vie Peut-Etre Belle: Life Could Be Beautiful

Is there a place - a physical location - in the world where we can truly be everything we are?

In this Utopia, I would not rely on money to determine the direction my life takes.

In this Utopia, I would use my true talents in exchange for goods and services for people, not corporations, bureaucracies, hierarchies.

I would be able to clearly see my connection to all life, and this knowledge would give my life meaning and purpose.

collective conscience
I would not be perfect because that is unrealistic. I would be aware of all my flaws, mistakes, and I would know how to analyze, understand, and correct them so I would live more fully. I would be satisfied - content - in this knowledge so that I may live unencumbered by doubt or judgement in the fullness of the present moment.

I would not allow this lifestyle for everyone else. I don't have the right to allow it. It is an obligation  to respect individual members of our Utopia as well as to all the lives they touch. It is inherently understood. We all see and know these principles to be true, and we know the depth of our universal connection. 

If this place does exist, even on the smallest level, please give me the maps and instruction on the proper method of travel I need to make my way there. 

Make room for at least three people on the trip: My daughter, my husband, me. 

Make room in the Utopia's collective conscience for all the memories of the minds and souls we have touched. They are as much a part of us, and we could not leave them behind. It would not be right to do so.

When I have the maps and the instruction, I will liquidate my assets, renounce my earthly possessions, donate all that is unnecessary to make this trip to charity because I will not be coming back. 

When my journey is done; I will not be coming back. Only my spirit, thoughts, and memories will remain.   My body and my soul stay with me, until my body returns to the earth, and my soul is set free to choose its next incarnation.

  • For more information about the psychological and sociological theory of collective conscience, go to
  • For more information about the movie Life is Beautiful, go to 

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